Wednesday, September 23, 2009

What are Learning Object and Distributed Learning?

In order to discuss this topic I have to find an answer to a question above to know different definitions of the learning objects as well as distributed learning. The learning object is defined as follows:
• Learning object is a resource, usually digital and web-based, that can be used and re-used to support learning.
• Learning objects are small electronic units of educational information that are flexible, reusable, customizable, interoperable, and retrievable.
• Also is Course materials developed according to a standard (eg, IMS) which allows easy sharing of materials. Materials are modular and can be used for a variety of purposes and outputs.
Simply learning object contains a single media element - a piece of video or text, for example - or it might contain a mix of text with graphics or animations with an audio commentary or you can regard learning objects at a micro level, as media assets - images, paragraphs of text, questions, audio clips and so on. Reusability is the main reason for using learning objects without much additional efforts. Since the learning objects are reusable, an instructor can continuously build upon existing learning objects and make them into better quality content packages.
Looking at the above definitions of learning objects; learning objects can be summed up into the following components:-
- instructional objectives
- Content
- Learning strategies ( Activities)
- Assessment
See these links: Objects
Distributed learning defines as students take courses from a variety of sources and delivery modes to customize a program of study. Often is used synonymously with online learning.
What is SCORM? SCORM is defined as Sharable Content Object Reference Model integrates a set of related technical standards, specifications, and guidelines designed to meet Advance Distributed Learning’s functional requirements as:
- Accessibility
- Interoperability
- Durability
- Reusability
SCORM tries to ensure that learning objects are reusable (over time and by different organizations or teachers), interoperable (connect with different learning management systems including links to the grade book), durable (survive thousands of users), and accessible (for visual and auditory impaired users).
Learning object offers teacher an opportunity to create good environment for instructional process and it helps enhance students’ learning skills. In my online course which I concentrate on history and culture, it seems to me very important to display historical and cultural objects to gain students’ attention. I support my online course with many pictures and videos with animations to motivate students to be more engaged in the course activities. I reviewed much more literature about the leanring objects, especially, a long study of how to use object learning to teach history and I found this study is helpful to follow its steps in teaching history and culture. The study uses the material in teaching history by displaying some material culture. I follow the same steps by using pictures in PowerPoint slides to show my students the important personalities in the history of Fulani people while teaching the topic on Kingdoms and conquests. For more information click this link: Also another learning object that I feel will help me in preparing study units of online course, is the use of Issues on a video to teach the skills of 21st century in science . This is also is helpful for online courses as teachers can get students engaged virtually in a discussion synchronously to display their opinions about how the learning object enhances student skills of 21st century or synchronously through chatting: . This is considered another way of using learning object to distribute learning opportunities to a large number of learners in distance learning. Learning object can help support teaching Language, this link show a teacher is training a ROBOT to pronounce some words: the links above show the use of object learning in different educational setting. Finally, Learning objects have many benefits for both learners and administrators, as courses can be constructed to meet individual requirements. I think learning objects have great potential for online course which I am preparing now.. I think this video is helpful to teach cultural awareness, especially in sensitive topic. Watch
Go through these reverences for more information

Social network through Learning Objects

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About Me

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I am working with Defense Language Institute at Monterey Bay. I have received my education in Sudan, Yemen and America. I have got MA in educational technology, 2010 at Chapman university, Monterey City California and Post master at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. (UNCG). in 2004and MBA in Sudan in 1998. I got American citizenship in August 2008. I am married; I have five children , two in college and one in high school.Suheil still early grade one and Suheib is a baby of three years old, playing at home. My email address is Phone number is 8312246829.