Saturday, August 29, 2009

Fulani Traditions

Unit three will display amazing culture and traditions of Fulani as tool for the tribal solidarity as well as economic situation of the tribe which based on herding and little bit farming.
-Fula are primarily known to be pastoralists, but are also traders in some areas. Most Fula in the countryside spend long times alone on foot, moving their herds; they were the only major migrating people of West Africa, though most Fula now live in towns or villages. Wealth is counted by how large the herd of cattle is and how many cattle. Long ago Fulani tribes used to fight over cattle.
-The Fulani have long been in the cattle business. For centuries to be a Fulani meant to be a cattle owner. However, due to the increasing hardships; famine, drought and poverty, many no longer own cattle. But for a majority, they still own at least a small number of animals, whether that is the cherished cow, sheep or goats. Often times those that do not own any animals will hire out to herd for others.
-In the Fulani culture there are numerous taboos. One of the foremost taboos says a married woman should never speak the name of her husband, her in-laws or her first born child. Even if there is another person by the same name, she is forbidden to call them by their name. .
-A vast majority of Fulani live in rural settings. Due to tradition and their reserved nature they tend to have communities which are spread out. Each village may have a population of as many as 100 or more, but the homes or huts are scattered in groups of two or three
-Among the Fulani, the family includes one's immediate kin and extended family, all of whom are all treated as close kin. In rural areas, these groups tend to live close together and join in work efforts. In the towns and cities, they tend to be more widely dispersed. Each kin group (lenyol means family), normally recognizes a common male ancestor who lived several generations ago and founded the family. Following the teaching of Islam, the Fulani allow a man up to 4 wives. However, a man is to only take additional wives if he is able to support them. In the rural areas it is typical for a young man of 18 - 22 to marry as he is able to acquire the finances needed
-Pulaaku (ethics/ politeness) is the code of behavior that most strikingly sets the Fulani apart from other peoples. It is the ethic or soul of "Fulani-ness", and involves complex rules of interaction within Fulani society. It puts high value on self-control, modesty, and reserve within a particular understanding of shame and respect. Pulaaku prevents a Fulani from expressing need or discomfort or from showing emotion. The Fulani language, Fulfulde, and their songs, stories and proverbs, all express and reinforce the centrality of Pulaaku within Fulani culture and identity.
-As children grow up they learn to have a particular kind of relationship with their bodies, one which links their sense of their own masculinity with the ancestral traditions of Fulani. They will wait until the auspicious moment to perform important initiations such as circumcision, sharo, and cattle herding.


About Me

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I am working with Defense Language Institute at Monterey Bay. I have received my education in Sudan, Yemen and America. I have got MA in educational technology, 2010 at Chapman university, Monterey City California and Post master at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. (UNCG). in 2004and MBA in Sudan in 1998. I got American citizenship in August 2008. I am married; I have five children , two in college and one in high school.Suheil still early grade one and Suheib is a baby of three years old, playing at home. My email address is Phone number is 8312246829.